What’s happening with Madi

Let me start off by saying God is good all the time and we trust Him in all things.  We found out roughly two weeks ago this past Friday that the doctors think our little Madi has a condition called esophageal atresia.  That means they think her esophagus hasn’t developed and connected to her stomach.  There is a lot we still don’t know and some things we won’t know until she is born.

What we do know is that if they are correct she will most likely need surgery right after birth.  The time and date of the surgery will all depend on where the esophagus stopped developing.  If it is a short gap between the stomach and esophagus the surgery will most likely be right after birth.  If it is a long gap it could be weeks or months depending on the advice of the surgeons and what kind of growth they see in Madi.

A condition that goes a long with this is polyhydramnios which means Megan has more amniotic fluid than she would normally have at 31 weeks.  When she went for an ultrasound at 29 weeks she had 26 centimeters, at 30 weeks she measured at 29 centimeters and last week at 31 weeks she measured 31 centimeters.  Needless to say it is getting somewhat uncomfortable for her.  Madi although seems to be enjoying it and doing a lot of water aerobics and swimming (from what Megan says even some kickboxing).

The good – there is typically other conditions on Madi’s part that normally go along with EA but all the tests the doctors have done have shown negative.  We got the results back this week on our chromosomal test and it was negative for any chromosomal issues.  She has also passed her ultrasound tests (BPP) each week (we have had two so far)  she has gotten an 8 out of 8.

We want to ask each of you to pray for our little girl whom we love so much already.  We also want you to know that our Saviour has been so sweet to us and we have trusted Him each step of the way.  Our prayer has been from day 1 is that Madi has no conditions and is as healthy as possible.  We are trusting in Jesus that that will be the case.  If it is we will give Him all the glory and if not we want to assure you that we will love her just as much and that God will be the one to get us through it.

Please keep Madi and Megan in your prayers especially this Tuesday we go for an MRI which will hopefully be more definitive and guide us in our next steps.  I will update then with the results.

3 thoughts on “What’s happening with Madi

  1. My dear sweet wonderful friends. My heart broke as I read this fighting back the tears and praying as I read. I will be in prayer for Madi and Megan. Beyond that I will put you both on my church’s prayer line. I know we have a God who still today is preforming miracles! My prayer is for God to move and do just that! GOD IS GOOD.. I love you all..

  2. Matthew and family. Know we are praying for you all and that believers across this nation will be praying for you all and for Little Madi.

  3. Praying for your family during this time. I have worked with First Steps Early Intervention for the last 11 years. During this time I have seen children with esophageal atresia. I actually just saw a mom I used to see in First Steps of a child with this condition at a daycare. (He is now 6 years old.) I saw him before his revision and after. He was on a feeding tube for a while- as well as the other children I have worked with- and now he is eating by mouth and doing great! I pray Madi does not have complications and does well with her surgeries. (Although the one little girl I worked with that had the most complications was eating by mouth and had her g-tube removed before all the others.) I’m here if you need me as a resource! God bless you! (Traci McAdams, M.S., R.D., L.D./ Nutrition Therapy Specialist, LLC)

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