Our appointment with the surgeons

Well, we had a week full of appointments this week! Starting Tuesday morning with our Fetal MRI; It was a lot different than I expected and I was definitely glad when it was over! They said they had gotten the shots they needed, although I had to stay a little extra because she started to move around and it took them a while to get the last shot. We had went into the appointment on Tuesday expecting to know some results before we left that day, and then we found out it would be Wednesday before we would know the results. Wednesday we had our first appointment at 11am which was our bpp ultrasound that we have weekly. Madi got all of her points in about 5 minutes, she was moving all around (like always) and did her breathing motions. She even let us see her face and was opening and closing her mouth, practicing talking I’m sure. They checked my fluid level and it was at 30cm so it is considered moderate polyhydramnios. I am just supposed to take it easy and try and prevent pre-term labor, but I haven’t shown any signs of that, so Praise the Lord! We then had our appointment with the DR, which went well too!

After that it was our last appointment with the pediatric surgeon. Thankfully we weren’t too nervous going in to it! I had prayed that the Lord would give me strength for whatever answer we got. Our meeting went well! Unfortunately though, the MRI was “inconclusive.” It was somewhat disappointing because the MRI is supposed to be the most accurate way to confirm diagnosis. What they look for is the “pouch sign” that would be where her esophagus ends and doesn’t connect to her stomach. However, the report stated that they saw some dilation in some shots, but could have possibly seen the whole esophagus in other shots. Very confusing! In light of those results though, we are choosing to see this as a blessing. While we had prayed that we would get the answer our heart’s desired, that she does not have this condition, we are going to Praise the Lord that we also didn’t get the 100% confirmation that she does have it. If anything that just gives us more room to have faith and trust the Lord to heal her before she is born! Of course our appointments carried on with the worst case scenario in mind and we have everything semi planned out for her arrival. They really can’t make too many decisions until she is born and they do some tests to evaluate how severe her case is.

We want to thank all of you who have kept us in your prayers, we can definitely feel them, and are so thankful that we have you all to help us through this. Through everything though the Lord has continued to be faithful to His promises and has not left our sides! He has shown us His goodness in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We have been able to openly talk about the Lord and express to some of our medical team the faith we have that he will work a miracle. If he chooses not to work the miracle in the way we see fit, we will praise Him still the same, because we are so undeserving of the blessings he gives us daily.

Like the Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord knew us before he formed us in the womb, and no doubt He has a very special plan for Madi. We can’t wait to see how the Lord will use this situation and how He will get the glory for everything that happens!

2 thoughts on “Our appointment with the surgeons

  1. Matt I will continue to pray for your family, I’m happy that you all have this page to keep people informed. Keep the updates coming, bless you all!!!!

  2. Megan,
    I just saw the post on facebook. How exciting that the Lord has and will bless you with a little girl soon. Please know that we will be praying that the Lord will heal Madi and that her esophagus will be intact when she’s born. We’ll also be praying for your family as well. Take care!

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