Madi Update – 9/21

Madi had a very exhausting day.  We started the morning with the Dr’s trying to take her off of ECMO and while she oxygenated well she couldn’t expel her co2
gas so they had to put her back on ECMO and we will try again tomorrow morning.  

But because of her bleading around the surgical site they had to take her back to the OR and do some exploratory surgery.  Thankfully they seemed to get the bleading under control and after her 2 hour OR visit she has had a rather uneventful evening.  Please continue to pray for her.  We covet your prayers for our precious girl and we praise the Lord for His grace and mercy thus far.  I don’t know how we would do it without Him.

6 thoughts on “Madi Update – 9/21

  1. Diligently praying for all of you! I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all better BUT I do know the ONE who can and we are all trusting and waiting for a completely healing! We are here if you need anything! We love ALL FOUR of you! Kevin and Lori

  2. I pray that your most precious baby girl will, by the grace of God, make a miraculous recovery. I will keep all of you in my prayers constantly.

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