Madi Update – 8/15

Today has been good, actually this whole week has been good. Madi has been tolerating her feeds well and peeing and pooping 🙂 which we are excited about! Good news is they are weening down her IV drips and she will only be on scheduled doses of medicine (that’s two less medicines) given through her J-tube. They have also taken her off of one of her motility medicines (another medicine gone) and if she does well without them they will ween the other one next week. All of this is in preparation for her “big” surgery which is still slated for September 11.

The most exciting thing – Madi smiled at her mom for the first time today!  What a blessing!

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15 thoughts on “Madi Update – 8/15

  1. Praise The Lord so glad he has poured out his blessings on you all… Prayers still going up!!!

  2. God is great. You and Megan were blessed with a beautiful miracle. Whenever I look at beautiful little Madi..I know that God is holding and protecting her in his arms so she can heal and get stronger. Prayers for her and family.

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