Exciting times up a head

Happy March! This has been a wonderful month so far for Madi. She had her follow up appointments on Monday with her ENT surgeon, Dr Evans and her pulmonologist Dr Karlson. Her appointment went fantastic ๐Ÿ™‚ Her blood gas, which measures her CO2 levels and her blood ph, was the lowest it has ever been. It was actually lower than normal levels, so for Madi that is amazing. She had a scope done in the office and her trachea looked great. She still has the malacia where her airway will collapse but it is getting better. If everything continues going as well as it is they have mentioned trying to wean her off the ventilator for an hour a day to start with in June. She is still weaning on her medications, which is going well for right now. It always gets harder right before she ends the medications so by the end of the month she should be almost off one. Regardless she has made amazing progress, she came home one 21mg of that medicine a day and is now down to under 5mg a day! Our prayer is that Madi won’t need the support of the ventilator much longer. Boy would our lives be much simpler, we could come and go a little more freely and more easily!

As far as Madi’s stomach issues go… up until about 3 weeks ago we had her stomach to drain. Which means anything that was in her stomach ie: acid, saliva, would drain into a diaper or container so she wouldn’t reflux it. We have been able to close that and keep it closed and she is doing great with it! If this continues on like this then our prayer is that we can soon feed her stomach and not keep feeding her small intestine. This may mean she wouldn’t have to be hooked up to the feeding pump 24/7. Also the G tube is much easier to replace, I accidentally popped it out last week and you just pop it back in, unlike her J tube where we have to go to the emergency room to have it put back in.

It is so nice to be looking at life getting easier for us and Madi. She is loving life right now, smiling all the time ๐Ÿ™‚ Her physical therapy is really coming along, and while she is behind she is making great strides! We couldn’t be happier with her progress right now!

Thank you all for your continued prayers, it is wonderful to watch God answering them one by one. Madi is nothing short of a miracle and we thank the Lord for her every day! We look forward to updating everyone with more positive news as it comes along!

One thought on “Exciting times up a head

  1. thank you so very for taking the type to send a “positive” update. God is good. Tommy and I and Stuart First Baptist Church still praying.

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